My Afternoon As A Jehova's Witness

Amangqina; Ama Watchtower – This is what we called Jehova’s Witnesses when I was growing up. My aunt was once married to one. All I I remember is my family’s disapproval about the church. I was young and did not know any better. All I knew is I had to stay away from them and “their ways.” It was only in 2014 that my interest grew in this denomination. I enjoy lessons on different subjects and religion and church denominations are two of my favourite. I have visited Moria (ZCC); Shembe and TB Joshua’s synagogue in the past 18 months and I only have this to say: Do not believe what people say. Google and Wikipedia are NOT your friend. Go out there and learn for yourself.

Disclaimer: I have done no more research on these subjects beyond and conversations with my tour guide

I visited the Jehova’s Witnesses South African Headquarters in Krugersdorp a few months ago. I did not know what to expect. I remember talking to my friend over the phone on arrival. I said “Boo, I’m wearing pants. Do you think they’ll let me in?” His response to my being there was rather surprising considering how open minded he is. He said “What are you doing there? I have a serious problem with Witnesses and their indoctrination” This is the same man who accompanied me to Moria #WarraFck? His sudden concern about “indoctrination” was rather unexpected. Isn’t that what ALL churches do?

 Anyway, I had booked a 1pm tour. I was welcomed by a young man with glasses; shirt; tie and pullover Uhhhm **hides face** He led me to the Auditorium for a video about the history of the church. One of the preachers came in afterwards and took me around. They call the Headquarters Bethel (House of God in Hebrew). Man, the premises are like a village or perhaps a compound: Accommodation; Hair Salon; Laundry. I was shocked to discover that they even print their Watchtower magazine IN-HOUSE. What can YOUR church do apart from collecting tithe and offering every Sunday? **sticks tongue out**


At least 500 people live in the compound. Bethel accepts people between the ages of 18-35years. One would have to have an extraordinary set of skills to live at the premises beyond the age of 35, I was told. The church provides accommodation and meals to cook in your room or one can eat in the dining area with the rest of the community.

A normal day starts with prayer in the dining area followed by breakfast and the work day begins. Some do field work selling Watchtower magazines at the stands you have seen at street corners while others do different chores within the compound: Cleaning toilets; working at the laundry; salon; printing Watchtower magazines etc.

People there do all work as volunteers. Some have quit their fulltime jobs to work at Bethel. I was amazed by the level of skill contained in those premises. They do everything themselves: Graphic Design; Carpentry; construction you name it.

Let us get to the juicy bit: INDOCTRINATION

You’ll be disappointed to learn that they never volunteered much information or tried to win me over, in fact I am the one that kept the questions coming, seeking clarification on what I have learned from others.

I asked about Jesus and the cross specifically. I had such an altercation with somebody a few years ago regarding crucifixion. Their argument was that Jesus did NOT die on the cross but on an upright stake. I offered no argument regarding the shape but my disagreement was mainly on how they talked down on crosses yet offered no explanation. My angle was “can we agree on WHY Jesus was crucified first then you can educate me on the cross or the upright stake?” It matters not to me how Jesus was executed, it is the reason for his execution that is important. We never reached an agreement unfortunately but this ate me up inside. I wanted to understand their point of view and why my cross and I were looked down upon.

I posed this question to my tour guide. She explained that STAUROS is the instrument that is referred to as being that of Jesus’ execution. She went further to explain in laymans terms. She said, the argument about wearing the cross on your neck or praying to a crucifix is that “If your child died by the gun, would you go around wearing and praying to a gun?” I was/am comfortable with this answer.

Another aspect that we disagreed upon with my friend was their objection to paintball shooting while there existed pictures of them in paintball shooting gear getting ready to shoot a maafacka. His explanation was paintball shooting causes harm. Well, so does slaughtering. Animals suffer, no?
My tour guide’s response to my question was Psalms 11:5 “Jehova / The LORD examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion”

This is the reason they would frown upon my favourite Grand Auto Theft videogame. Uhm… MISS ME.
My friend and I had disagreed on blood transfusion as well. They did not convince me in their argument on why Jehovas Witnesses reject blood transfusion even if it is the only option to save a life. I am still not convinced, beloveds.

 The last part of my tour was shopping for books. Their generosity humbled me. I collected so many books only to be told I did not have to pay. They were gifts. . I HAVE been reading their books and pamphlets and have found very few differences from my Methodist ways.


Beloveds, despite what you’ve heard Jehova’s Witnesses are no monsters. They worship the same God as you do.

Sunday Offering:  Unlike most churches, there is no collection plate but a box for donations. Nobody monitors whether you give or not. How refreshing!!!



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