I think I'll miss you forever

Heart filled to capacity... with joy of having known you and watching you love your family in the way that you did. Time will not heal me but my heart will adapt. I shall adjust and learn to live with the pain of knowing I shall never see your small eyes again; never hear your voice; never kiss you or feel your warmth again. It is our conversations that I miss the most. I am especially hurt that I shall never hear “Ukholisile ntombi” again. The two words that pushed me to better myself and endure every day with my head held up

Chanting and dancing “Nank’uTatam” at EL airport in July 2014 remains one of my greatest memories. I miss you daddy

Amathambo alele ukuthula kodwa your spirit endures. Your spirit lives with us; in us.


  1. Finally got the courage to read your blog Chizama. Thank you for the memories, friendship, courage, and generosity of spirit you are. Your physical remains may be dead but wena you shall live until until....

    May you be reconnected with u Tata and God be kind and forgiving to your beautiful soul.

    Usis' Nyanya ngoku BRO?



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