In Jap-HEN: Ama Hili-Hili in Asia

I spent two weeks in hospital after Mount Kilimanjaro in 2015. The thoracic surgeon said I had suffered such a severe case of pleural effusion, I had in fact done the whole thing using one lung. They had stapled the chest to prevent the repetition of this in the future. That was not going to stop me from living my life of course. I soon started shopping for the next adventure. The only condition however was an altitude lower than Mount Kilimanjaro. I’m not scared of death but aint no way I’m tempting fate, no Sir. I found the picturesque Macchu Picchu out in Peru. It takes more than 30 hours and 2 connecting flights to get there however. I don’t know if I’d be in the mood to climb a Goddamn mountain after having flown for that long. I canned that idea; chose Mount Fuji instead and informed the troops: The Power of Three, Amahili-hili. Who is the Power of Three you ask. This is the same team that conquered Mount Kilimanjaro back in 2015. Kilimanjaro 201...