Hoeing in Kigali

If it’s nice you gotta do it twice and add some spice. I had one of the most unforgettable meals the last time I was in Kigali: Mukeke fish. I was told it is a fish originating in Burundi. I returned to Kigali a few months later in transit to Burundi solely for Mukeke fish **Kanye shrug** I'd finally get a chance to see Lake Tanganyika as well, I thought to the self. The main reason for the transit in Kigali was to partake in Umuganda. What is Umuganda, you ask Umuganda is community work. Its purpose is to contribute to the overall national development of Rwanda. It forms part of efforts to rebuild the country after the 1994 Genocide taking place on the last Saturday of each month from 7a.m. and lasts for at least three hours. ( http://www.allaboutrwanda.com/umuganda.html ) Umuganda was not well received by the people of Rwanda at first. It was considered forced labor but due to its significant achievements in erosion control and infrastructure improvement –...