My Dad Is....
I did not cry when I saw my father’s lifeless body. With time, I have even forgotten what he looked like in that coffin. This might sound cold and heartless but allow me to explain. I have known my father all my life, he’s been present at my every step, he’s been a phone call or flight away. That all came to an abrupt end on 19 October 2016. If you’ve met me you have heard about him whether you’re interested or not. I hardly speak for more than an hour without mentioning my dad. It was on the day that he passed that I realised just how often I spoke of him on social media. Most people said: “The Duke, no ways” My dad is… Give me permission to speak of him in the present, dear Reader: My dad is 2m of absolute awesome ok? A former rugby player, indoda ende enomfaneleko. He walks with pride, head always help up high like he owns the place or even owns YOU; that guy who knows everything about everything; the one that walks into a room and you can’t help but lo...