Two countries; Four cities; Eight days: SALAAM ALAIKUM

We conquered Mount Kilimanjaro the last time my brother and I travelled together. That was 14 months ago. We took on Arab Africa this year, with hopes of bringing back pyramids and camels. Maybe crude oil as well? We came back with more than we had bargained for. He found his calling at the Hanging church in Cairo. He's an ordained preacher today. Exhibit A below HO-MY-GODOOOOOO REWIND: My brother has pestered me about the Kingdom of Morocco since 2010, only God knows why. I even thought he was looking for a second wife. People walk around with death wishes you know but #AsikhoLapho. I was tasked with making the holiday happen, being the trusted travel agent and all. I added Egypt for the pyramids of Giza; Tutankhamun; Hieroglyphics etc. We departed just one day after Good Friday, no plan in mind just Historical landmarks for me as always. I love Museums, military e...