Mpumalanga: Beauty unparalleled

Mpumalanga (MP) means ‘the land of the rising sun’ in siSwati;isiZulu and isiXhosa, the Eastern Transvaal it was called pre-democracy. I usually say Mpumalanga is the Eastern Cape without the ocean, it is beautiful. Kindly add it to your top 10 places to see before you retire. Forget the Kruger National Park, there’s more to Mpumalanga than caged animals. I first went to Mpumalanga in 2004. Bowled over by the beauty of the province, I carried memories of it for 12 years vowing to go back there one day. 19 March 2016, exactly 363 days since our road trip to Moria, my sister and I filled up the tank and drove to MP as part of her birthday celebrations. First stop was Pilgrim's Rest. Pilgrim’s Rest is a living monument to the feverish gold rush days of the late 1800s. If you did Bantu Education in the 1980s you must have read Jock Of The Bushveld by James Percy FitzPatrick. Born frees can google. Pilgrim’s Rest is the village where Jock of the Bushveld roamed with his ma...